Saturday, January 10, 2015

Fort Island

White Pelican

What bird made that track?
A Vista
The Gulf Coast in this area is shallow water with a generous amount of marsh, swamp, rivers, and other things that interfere with development for the "maker" class. One aspect of this type of coast are roads that run toward the water and then for an obvious reason stop (bottom photo, beyond the small island the next land mass is probably South America). The road to Fort Island is one of these. This, like others, has a small park and a boat ramp. Since the area is "undeveloped" wildlife is often present and it is prudent to pay attention (middle photo, the smaller tracks are about 1 inch by 1 inch).

The top photo is a white pelican sitting on one of about eight smaller commercial fishing boats. This is at Shrimp Landing where we got a pound fresh for shrimps and grits one of nature's most perfect foods.

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