Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Don't think it is your computer, there ain't no photos. The lack of posting is directly related to my procrastination due to holidays, lovely weather, and just enjoying it. I anticipate things will happen soon, as this is our last night in Georgia. Tomorrow after a "community" breakfast we will take a relatively easy drive (near) to Inglis, Florida. This is on the Gulf side of the state west of Ocala. River Lodge RV Park is located on Route 19 between the Withlacooche River and the Cross Florida Greenway Canal. Inglis, Florida, once passed an ordinance banning Satan from the town. This promises to be very entertaining.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

More Birds

Black Skimmer
Walking the beach in Fernandia Beach to kill time and getting enough exercise to justify lunch, I managed to photograph a couple of my favorite birds, the Skimmer and Royal Tern. As you can see the Pelican is a bit standoffish.

Keeping with the theme we went to The Salty Pelican and had a heart-stopping mushroom-bacon-swiss burger.
Royal Tern

Brown Pelican

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jekyll Island

Our Guide
Jekyll Island is a lovely place. Once a winter hideaway for the rich and maybe famous you can still use up your vacation money quickly if you stay at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel. Still, how may places can you find a perfectly groomed croquet court on the front lawn?

We, being of the taker rather than maker class (Mitt Romney measurement scale), decided to stroll the beach, where we were joined by the feathered fellow in the photo, and then the historic area. This park setting (other photos) includes small artisan shops, the hotel, and the "cottages" of the really really well to do of another age. The green structure, Sans Souci, was an "old boys club" inhabited by J.P. Morgan and his buddies. It is much smaller and more intimate than the hotel.

You are charged $6 as you enter the island, a parking fee. You get your money's worth. If only all places were maintained as well.

Sans Souci
Simple cottage

Saturday, December 13, 2014

St. Marys, Georgia

The top two photos show you most of downtown St. Marys. Most of "modern"business, Walmart, McDonalds, and the like are miles to the west. Downtown has a couple of restaurants, souvenir shops, a quaint submarine museum, and National Park Offices for Cumberland Island, a barrier island, and the dock for the boat that takes you there.

It is one of those towns that is just wonderful for a stroll. The riverfront is a mix of parks and business and the nearby neighborhoods have a mix of early 20th-Century houses.

The town sits a near as possible to the extreme southeast corner of Georgia. Fernandia Beach on Amelia Island in Florida is visible from the riverfront. Like many seacoast towns there is a small theater company among other arts activities.

We stayed here in January and February this year and will be here until the end of the year. It is a good base for visiting the barrier islands and sites inland such as Okefenokee Swamp.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Yesterday was our 36th wedding anniversary and one of our favorite places, Saint Augustine, Florida,was an hour and a half drive down the road. They are highlighting their 450th anniversary just to put us in our place.

It is a tourist town. Ghost tours are a biggie and Riply's (believe it or not) is prominent. The ocean is not far. There are a lot of 18th century buildings including the Castillo (top photo) a wonderful example of period fortification. The bottom two photos (by Denise using her new/used camera courtesy of out friends Rich and Jen) are examples of quaint courtyards and such that you find in the old town. Although occupied by the British and Americans, the theme is the Spanish period. This was emphasized by the fort fifer, in Spanish uniform playing "Road to Boston." I can only assume it was an original Spanish tune stolen by the Americans during the Revolution.

St. George Street is the focus of the shopping/restaurant thing. Yet, it is not the only opportunity. Wandering beyond there are many galleries and restaurants and after a year between visits we found new places wanting our money. Not that anyone needs a reason to get off of I-95 but it is a wonder place to do so.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Another day in the swamp

 I have this feeling you have to love or hate a swamp. Whatever your emotion it will be magnified with the Okefenokee. This is our third visit and unfortunately the first without seeing a gator.

The lizard in the middle picture tried to stand in for his big cousin but it ain't quite the same thing. I was sitting on a step talking to the little guy and did not need zoom for this photo. I have photographed alligators and using zoom is prudent. Also, you can see by his posture he is listening to me. Alligators never seem to attend even to the most important conversations.

The top photo is a homestead preserved in the park. The lower photo is not a garden decoration from Walmart. Just when you think that stuff is just made up out of thin air, wham, reality whacks you in the mouth. Now someone will have to prove to me Gnomes are not real.

Monday, December 1, 2014

St. (not Simple) Simon Island

 On St. Simon Island I was contemplating an essay on inequality in America but then stumbled on the aboriginal art presented in the first two photos. The sand sculpture is no doubt a model for a prehistoric fortification or perhaps a ski resort anticipating global cooling. The second photo is of what I believe to be an effigy with religious significance. The white and blue object near the center is a State of Illinois license plate probably taken in battle.

Today's bird is another sandpiper. The closest picture in our bird book is a Willet.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

By the sea

For those who cannot tell from the photo you are looking at the Atlantic Ocean, air temperature 48 degrees (F.),wind from the north at about 9 knots, and it is 10 a.m. November 28, 2014. This particular beach is within the limits of Fernandina Beach, Florida. So, I suppose, it is Fernandina Beach beach, redundant but accurate. All is located on Amelia Island.

The bird is a Sanderling Sandpiper (or at least that is what it looks like), a cute little fellow who scurries along the waterline looking for some sort of stuff to eat. Usually they stay far away and go in the opposite direction from your path and demand you use the "zoom" for a photo. This fellow, however, paced along with us about 5 feet away and provided me with the only non-telephoto snapshot I have ever taken of one of these guys.

After this excitement we then went into the business part of Fernandina Beach to find it was PJ Friday. Those participating wear their pajamas into town to shop Black Friday. The temperature did not allow for sheer lingerie but creativity was rampant as even the dogs had flannel creations. We escaped to the waterfront to look at boats (it is on the ICW) and then it was The Crab Trap for shrimp and grits and other eatables. Fernandina Beach is a neat little town, not too many T-shirt shops, and a number of nice restaurants.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Rainy Night in Georgia

OK, the title may seem stolen but it poured all last night. It is in the upper 70s and the humidity is in the 90s. There are bugs here.

Here is St. Marys, Georgia. They do not seem to use an apostrophe so I will not. We were here January and February last year and this time we will stay until New Years Day and then move south to Florida but then it is the only place south for which you do not need a watercraft. However, we do have a watercraft, our 8 foot porte-a-bote. We hope it will take us far enough into the outback for some interesting, if not good, photos.