Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Jekyll Island

Our Guide
Jekyll Island is a lovely place. Once a winter hideaway for the rich and maybe famous you can still use up your vacation money quickly if you stay at the Jekyll Island Club Hotel. Still, how may places can you find a perfectly groomed croquet court on the front lawn?

We, being of the taker rather than maker class (Mitt Romney measurement scale), decided to stroll the beach, where we were joined by the feathered fellow in the photo, and then the historic area. This park setting (other photos) includes small artisan shops, the hotel, and the "cottages" of the really really well to do of another age. The green structure, Sans Souci, was an "old boys club" inhabited by J.P. Morgan and his buddies. It is much smaller and more intimate than the hotel.

You are charged $6 as you enter the island, a parking fee. You get your money's worth. If only all places were maintained as well.

Sans Souci
Simple cottage

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